From the obscure to the forgotten

Well known 1960’s bands like the Association and the Surfaires recorded for these labels yet the labels are mostly forgotten and there are few if anyone around to shed light on them.

Valiant Records was a Los Angeles label created in 1960 by MOR singer/songwriter/producer/composer Barry De Vorzon and co-owned by his wife Jelinda.


Valiant charted with its first release of Shelby Flint’s soft-folk Angel On My Shoulder but otherwise the label’s early years featured obscure white pop titles. Valiant did better with its later mix of SoCal psych and pop and scored a hit in 1961 with De Vorzon’s own group, Barry and the Tamerlanes’ I Wonder What She’s Doing Tonight.

Valiant had a brief distribution deal with Four Star Television but its real success came in 1966 when De Vorzon rescued folk-rockers The Association from obscurity at Jubilee Records. The group had many hits on Valiant starting with Along Came Mary.

Depending on your source, Valiant released between 100- 200 singles and also re-released albums originally on the Somerset budget label. Valiant was folded into Warner Bros Records in 1967 and ceased to exist. (Most info here condensed from Discogs’ Valiant listing.)

Velvet Records is an obscure 1960s-1970s Los Angeles soul label owned by Aaron Johnson who is credited as a song writer/producer by Discogs. Velvet released 17 singles listed on Discogs, most rare and fetching up to $500 though some go for as low as $6. Arranger Mel Alexander credited above was one of the buyers of the Bihari Brothers catalogue after Jules Bihari sold the company from under his family before his death, a dark tale no one is comfortable talking about.  Eventually the entire catalogue and all the masters ended up in the UK with Ace Records. But I digress…  Here’s an outta this world space funk single on Velvet Deloris Ealy.  Dig it!  (All of her singles are worth a listen.)


Goliath Records was an obscure Los Angeles label located at 1717 N. Vine Street in Hollywood.  Goliath’s 12 singles (as listed in Discogs & 45Cat)  included surf and garage band rock.  At least one Goliath single was released on Valiant.  No word on who owned Goliath or how a Goliath single ended up on Valiant. Great logo & cool garage band instro by the Silvertones. 


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